J.K. Rowling, Hermione . S. Granger, Luna . D. Klose, Ginny . A. McGonagall, and . Professor McGonagall . The player has no control over the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts, or the Muggle world. The player can only navigate the Hogwarts grounds and the Hogwarts corridors.
The player plays as Harry Potter, a Hogwarts student and the main protagonist. The game is divided into two modes: the "arcade" and "story" modes. The arcade mode is a series of puzzles that the player must complete in order to progress. The player must first explore Hogwarts and collect items in order to open new areas. The player can explore each area for a limited time, and when the time is up the area becomes locked and the player can't access it again until all puzzles are solved. If the player finds all the items in an area before the time limit expires, the player can solve the puzzles in the area and progress to the next area. If the player fails to solve all the puzzles in an area before the time limit expires, the area will remain locked and the player must return to the previous area in order to solve the puzzles. The arcade mode includes several minigames and a time trial mode. The story mode consists of the player following the story of Harry Potter, meeting the other characters, and solving the puzzles in the main game. The story mode is divided into three chapters.
On, the game was made available for download for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
The game received "generally favorable reviews" on all platforms except for the PlayStation 4 version, which received "generally unfavorable reviews", according to review aggregator Metacritic.
Category:2014 video games
Category:Cultural depictions of Harry Potter
Category:PlayStation 4 games
Category:Video games featuring female protagonists
Category:Xbox One games
Category:Video games based on novels
Category:Single-player video games
Category:Dungeon crawler video games
Category:Video games based on adaptations
Category:Video games set in London
Category:Video games set in France
Category:Video games set in Italy
Category:Video games set in Austria
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